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ASUU Strike: Enlarging Prostitution Market In Nigeria

By Ajogwu Jerry Ochada

It's a breezy night and the enticing aroma from the barbeque cannot be resisted by any living soul because even the unseen spirits seems to be interested in this specially prepared delicacy. A munch of a freshly prepared tilapia fish seasoned with the rich condiments will be the best way to start the weekend. As I made careful attempt to cross the slippery ground polluted by the visibly dirty fast food merchants who careless about the hygiene of their environment but are more concerned on the profit they make on daily basis, I noticed a bigger fish standing akimbo smelling fresh and garnished with all the season to suit the cold weather.

After few minutes of my fixed gaze on this great asset of national embarrassment but a good appetite for the bulk of fish mongers, the fish greeted in a friendly manner "Good evening Oga". I feigned a smile and replied "Aunty Good evening ". From the switching light effects, I could see the colour of her panties revealing from the professional self made tailoring of her gown exposing the better part of her smoothly moulded and self enhanced thighs which could cure the symptoms of weak erection and can authoritatively arouse the sexual feelings of an impotent man. I stylishly engaged the barbeque seller in a discussion but the attention of this big fish was centered on me perhaps because it is getting late and it is fast becoming a survival of the smartest tactics.

"Oga! You no go buy me fish?" she requested as I raised my head up from my perusal of the oil secreting real fish dripping into the fire.

"Aunty! Fish no dey chop fish, abi you be shark?" I managed to reply as she was now standing very close to me with arrow shaped nipples exposed by the tight arm less fitting which could barely conceal her extra large mammary glands. She bursted into laugh revealing a set of immaculately arranged canine dentition with red lips basically designed to serve the purpose of the night.
"Oga! Abeg I no be fish ooo, how this night go be na?".
"Wait for me" I replied as I hurriedly made my choice of the fish. We both walked into the pub located a few metres away.

We sat down and she called the bar attendant by his name. "Friday, you no dey see customer, do quick na". We ordered for drinks and to my questionable surprise she requested for two bottles of Legend lager beer at a glance and before I was able to sip half my bottle, she was done with her second drink. I ordered for the third which she initially declined saying "if I take that one I go kill you this night with kerewa ooo". I smiled.

As the bar attendant uncorked her third bottle of beer, I initiated the process for the business of the day by asking to know her name. "Oga, wetin you want use my name do? Abeg do make we dey go cold don dey catch me". She answered rudely.

I told her is not a good idea to "pass the night with someone I don't even know her name" and she bluntly said "my name is Licia". I knew she lied.

It was a keen contest between us immediately the barbeque seller brought the fish. She unwrapped the aluminum foil and before I could say Jack Robinson the skeletal non consumable figures of the poor fish was visible.

"Do you care for another fish" I asked. She sighed.

"Oga, no buy me fish finish come give small money later ooo".

The statement set the pace as I enquired to know her cost for the night. She asked if it is "short time or "TDB" meaning till day break. I told her it depends on her cost.
She told me "till day break" is 20,000 naira since is almost midnight and short time goes for 10,000 naira. I fought so hard to hide the surging anger building up in me and I cursed men who cannot control their fetish libidos thus facilitating this business for the women of easy virtues.

"20,000? Haba! I want pay bride price? Talk better jor" I queried.

"I just want help you because night don do ooo...". I cut in "I will give you 5,000 make we no talk too much".

She gave me a stern look and stood up, as she was arranging her belongings (phones and handbag) she picked up the liquid soap and I was frightened in case she would smash the now empty bottles of beer on my innocent head.

I motioned her to sit down. "Why you dey vex like this na? We are not fighting. Please sit down, even if I don't do anything with you, I will give you money".

My promise and calm tone seems to melt her anger as she sat down and dropped the bombshell. "Oga, don't think I'm one of this local ashawo. I'm a student of UniAbuja and I know how much I paid as transportation fare before reaching  here. Wetin 5,000 want do for me? ". I calmed the situation and we got talking. 

She revealed most of the ladies standing outside Ibiza - a popular spot located in Gimbiya street, in Nigeria's capital city - are students who are home due to the ongoing labour action by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU). Licia explained many of these students  reside off campus and prefer to stay back while they "hustle" since the strike can be "called Off at any time".

After spending a resourceful time gisting with me, we parted after I gave her some funds for transport fare as she refused exchanging phone number with me but prefer I give mine to her promising she will chat me up in the morning which she never did. 

Barely ten minutes after she stood up from where we had our conversation, a tinted SUV pulled over and they briefly conversed. She opened the door of the passenger side and they zoomed off. I quickly dipped my hand into my pocket to count my remaining balance and all I could mumble as I reasoned aloud was "all thanks to my editor for this critical assignment". I paid the bar attendant and as I moved towards the entrance to take my leave, I saw another set of prostitutes who were noticeably students smoking shisha as they tongue lash a lecturer making him or her the subject of their discussion. 

A stroll round the city of Abuja at night reveals the growing number of ladies standing at strategic locations seeking for male customers to buy their wares. Licia is not alone in this business as many students studying in different campuses across the country prefer to stay back in school to involve in this illegitimate trade. It is a known fact that 'student prostitution' is not a new trend but the recent ASUU strike seems to have encouraged this crime directly or indirectly. Parents should ensure their kids and wards are compelled to return home despite any flimsy excuses because many of these ladies may fall as ritual victims especially during the period of election while many will contact sexually transmitted diseases. On the whole, the government should ensure a cogent agreement is signed with the union at least to reduce the growing spate of prostitution in Nigeria.


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