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Feb 16: Dirty Broom vs Rickety Umbrella

By Ajogwu Jerry Ochada 

Hopes bashed, intrigues unfold, alas! the channel is tuned with spectators converging on an unusual spot to catch the lastest glimpse of the dynamic tale of a once upon a time giant of Africa crippled by obsessions of revered nationalists in the time past; presently suffering a ritualistic rape of justice, posing as a threat to its nascent democracy. 

This is not a wrestling contest but the gaze is fixed because it is perhaps a new dawn; another epoch making event, strategized to rewrite or dent the history of Nigeria. It is another season of anticipations garnished with extreme anxiety with the political superpowers flexing fetish muscles bereft of ideas that gives succour to the yearnings of the common man; a gullible fraction of the interested few, who are cajoled by the weak ideologies of fake manifestos to cast votes in favor of corruption manifested champions after the initial standards of compensating  stomach infrastructure is fully met beyond hunger defined doubts. As the days roll past the complexities seems to be obvious. 
Welcome to Nigeria! 

Citizens are eager to peruse and critize any political discourse that seems not to gravitate the lines of their sympathy switch or confused grouping maybe because the writer has failed to romance the indolence debating strive of their political affiliation or more attention was not accorded to the campaigning style of an opposition. Which ever way, realism cum realist approach is a difficult feature which is notably a scarce factor in the diction of any hungry writer residing in a poverty plummeting nation because the perceptions of an average reader is stereotyped by the level of their wealth, social status and needs. Be that as it may, I will strive to the best of my abilities to X-ray the possibilities of the two major contending parties in the forthcoming General Election. 

Take it or leave it, the 2019 General Election in Nigeria is between the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Peoples' Democratic Party at the national level. However, at the grassroots, ADC and APDA stand chances of sprouting victories which would not be assessed as a magic syndrome because many aggression driven fallout of the two political radar embraced either the APDA or the ADC to continue the pursuits of their dreams as we anticipate the outcome of the next poll. It is a game between the old rickety umbrella - PDP - and the weak overrated short dirty broom - APC - even though other political parties can not be tagged as mushroom seekers or partakers in the feast because in politics, you can never say never until it is over!  

Now, Nigerians are stationed at crossroads and the best available options is hinged on the similar effects of between the devil and the deep blue sea because whether we accept our fate or not, we have tasted the political delicacies of these self acclaimed Chef riding on the wings of our sufferings as a nation to prominence but are never ashamed to come back after every four years to lure us to bed (polling units) for another romp (to cast votes) when we are yet to recover from injuries sustained during the last rape of justice (election). 

Let it be reiterated clearly at this juncture, the strength of our collective will should not be entrusted in the opportunities or slim chances of any political party, our trust as citizens anticipating a better Nigeria should be justified by supporting the emergence of a charismatic candidate, to be tested but never to be trusted unless he / she prove otherwise. As a nation, we have outgrown the political stage where the illogical spellings of lazy political godfathers will continue to holdsway but the supposed enlightened electorate have refuse to learn from past mistakes thus we now at a political scene where the supposed vibrant youths are standing akimbo waiting for the senile dictators and champions of our communal loots  to give directions in a congested traffic full of self imposed disorder and regrets. 

Recently, I regrettably reflected on my participation in a peaceful protest to the National Assembly, demanding the passage of the 'Not Too Young To Run' bill. Alongside other comrades, we celebrated the outcome of our request, which we thought was in our favor but the aftermath of primary elections redefined our thoughts and passionate desires because it is just a miniature of our teaming  youthful but not useful population that can stand the heat and fight for the actualization of the Nigeria of our dreams. 

It is bitter to write the least. The bulk of our youths are ever ready to serve as sycophants and stooges to the new brand of self centered politicians who are lacking the wherewithal to promote human capital development or community development but are quick to sponsor these confused greed of hunger defined able bodied youths to fight for the realization of their narrowed interest online and on ground; even in their dream world. This is where the problem lies. They all denied not be "lazy youths" yet they cannot bear any political fruits without pitching tent with the recycled corrosive leaders who are renowned for igniting confusion in their quest to dictate power under a democratic setting. 

As the race towards the 2019 General Election gradually draw to a close, Nigerians should understand the obvious fact that we have NEVER enjoyed the empty promises of any political party. To this end, we MUST learn how to vote and support the emergence of credible personalities by trashing the becloud notions of party ideologies. No doubts, you will all agree with me that the in the past few years, the 'broom' succeeded in sweeping dirtiness under the old fashioned rug and the overused 'umbrella' seems to provided canopies for those who were able to stand the test of time but it is difficult to trust the sugar coated promises of two prodigal sons who are renowned for insulting their clan. 

Wielding a decoy motive, the major contenders in the forthcoming polls are scared of spending funds because they are products of similar composition; APC is fast becoming a special boarding house for expelled PDP members who are ready to enrol to the new school to save their heads from the slaughter slab of anti-graft agencies who are always on standby derailing without relevance because they prefer to serve as hunt dogs for any government in power. 

In all, Nigerians should bury their political differences because the 'broom' cannot sweep away our political sin. It is difficult to purify dirtiness using dirt instead of detergent. Similarly, the 'umbrella' cannot shield us from the scorching sun or the lingering storm but we can only make progress as a nation by evolving a new line of action where overused politicians are restricted not to poke nose into national affairs because in recent time, we have witnessed the over indulgence of these old failures who were unable to take us to the promise land and should be hiding in shame but our political clime is devoid of remorse. Rather, these breed of leaders who steered our beloved nation to the present suffocating stage of national delusion and self pity are yet to retire because they are full of confusion and commotion but if caution is not imbibed, they may suffer and not recover from the outcome springing from the architectural designs of their poorly managed political ambitions and discretion. At the end, PDP or APC will take the lead but we should all be guided to prevent rigging; free and fair election should be our watchword.

God bless Nigeria! 


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